To date, I have completed 36 paintings, they are below in sequence, left to right, top to bottom. |
![]() Mister Al |
![]() Venice Gondolier - I wanted to try two difficult things for beginners; a human figure and water. This was one of my favorite images from our trip to Venice in 2007. |
![]() Chinese Papoose Girl - One of my best images from our trip to China in 2000, I chose this as my 3rd painting to work in flesh tones, try a full face portrait and work in multiple textures; the cloth of the baby carrier, stone, wood, ceramics and the woven basket. |
![]() Perfect Finnish Evening - (with trompe l'oeil frame) From our trip to Finland in 2007, we were strolling at the docks in Lahti at sunset when I captured this image. I chose it as a logical next step in my self instruction, as my first landscape, to paint a bit "looser", more interpretively, and to specifically work on clouds and reflections on water. The frame itself is painted on the canvas, and was an effort to advance my technique in super-realism. |
![]() Australian Wild Horses - One of my favorites images and memories from our Australian trip. We went camping in the Kakadu National Forest outside of Darwin and each morning and evening, the wild horses came out to feed and water at the bilabong. I chose this to paint because the evening misted background would push me to paint loosely and with an impressionistic touch, while the foreground would still let me work on my realism. The horses offered me my first living subjects not dogs or cats! (SOLD) |
![]() Secret Beach, Maui - This painting was a gift for two friends who got married at sunset at this beach on Maui. I took dozens of photographs but it was only years later, when looking through the images, that I noticed the two paddlers silhouetted against the waves. I hadn't even seen them when taking the photo! This painting was an exercise in furthering my handling of clouds, and new challenges were ocean waves, the panopoly of sunset colors, and depicting wet sand. This is one of those paintings that comes together the farther away you stand from it. |
![]() Duck in Water - Made for a friend's 3 year-old grandchild, who has a little one's obession; with ducks. For me, the work offered a chance to work more with water, reflections and liquid patterns, as well as a different kind of animal. |
![]() Pictures at an Exhibition - This painting is my 1st original composition from my imagination, as you can see. I wanted to do something that built on everything I learned in my previous 10 works; color mixing and blending, brush techniques, perspective drawing, and overall composition. I also worked very hard in the beginning on the composition; the placing of the types and styles of the individual paintings, and especially of the various museum visitors, to keep the eye moving in and around the picture. I also wanted to try painting in a variety of styles, which called for pictures within pictures. Above all, I wanted to create something that would make you smile when you looked at it. (SOLD) |
I entered "Pictures at an Exhibition" and "Manet's Secret Workshop" both original paintings in a juried art contest at the |
![]() Duncan - My first painting since relocating to Santa Fe, NM. This was a gift for my sister, a companion piece for the portrait of her other cat, Amber, above. After 9 months of no creative outlet due to our long distance move, this was a great way to warm up, and I was relieved to see that my handling of fur had improved. |
Our neighbors here in Santa Fe have a back yard enclosed with a running adobe wall that rises at some places to
![]() Bob & Robert (SOLD) |
![]() Bringing Up Baby - My first effort at portraying New Mexico skies and landscape and sense of distance and scale here, as well as the placid feel of the land. |
![]() Santa Fe Avian Watercooler |
![]() Kitten Guarding Mcloskey's Oranges (SOLD) |
s Playing Mouse & Cat |
![]() Couch Clique ![]() Chimney Rock, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico - My first foray into working with a palette knife. |
![]() Angle of Curiosity |
![]() "The Artist's Apprentice" - 8" x 16" acrylic on canvas board. In thinking about my next painting, all I knew was I wanted to do something with warmth, but a feeling of serenity. That's when I walked out to my easel and art cart and saw my little furry assistant, Django, calmly living what I'd only seen in my head. |
![]() Best Friends"" - 12" x 18" acrylic on canvas board. (SOLD) This was a commission painting for a dear friend who only has old Polaroid prints to remember her dear, departed pal, Zeppelin, one of the all-time great dogs. |
![]() "Fast Memories" - 8" x 16" acrylic on canvas board. (SOLD) This was a commission painting for a friend who used to race this car in SCCA regional competitions. It still exists, but in boxes of parts and a thick layer of dust in his garage. In the driver's window, he has taped up a speeding ticket he got in Colorado; 140 in a 65 zone. This was my first attempt at painting a car; metal and its sheen. Not the greatest, but he loved it, said I got the body color right, and I learned so much. |
![]() (SOLD) Home in the Woods - 11" x 14" acrylic on canvas board. This was a broken shack we saw in the Blue Ridge mountains, and I knew it would make a good photograph. But then when I was looking for something new to paint, I remembered this image. It was inspired by three facets; when watching the Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year show, they were talking about how it's so hard to paint the varying shades of green in the average landscape, so I wanted to try a "green" painting. I also wanted to try something unlike anything I've ever painted. Lastly, years ago, we saw the painting to the right, Gauguin's "Two Dogs in a Field". I loved how you don't see the title subject until you've looked at the painting for awhile, and wanted to incorporate that type of element into my "green" painting. |
![]() Paul Gauguin - "Two Dogs in a Field" |
![]() "Concerts Are Best With Your Best Friends" - 11" x 14" acrylic on canvas board |
New mixed medium, three dimensional shadow boxes! Click on the two images to see more.